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Advanced Open Water Diver Courses

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Advanced Open Water Diver is a course that will help you take your diving skills to the next step. This course will improve your navigation, buoyancy, and deep diving skills. You can also choose three specialty dives. You'll earn credit toward specialty certifications when you complete the course.

Adventure dives

To become a certified scuba diver, you must complete adventure dives. They increase your awareness and buoyancy as well as improve your communication skills. Normally, you must complete 5 adventure dives before you can be certified. Your instructor will help improve your breathing and kick techniques as well teach you how you can plan your dives.

Adventure dives are required for all specialty courses. They count towards the specialty that you are working towards. By doing this, you can choose dives which will prove useful for the future. PADI recommends divers with multiple objectives. These could include deep exploration, wildlife research, or exploring wrecks.

Night dive

Advanced Open Water Divers course teaches students how to be safer underwater. They learn how and when to breathe, how to adjust their weight, and how to position themselves properly. They also learn how dive lights work and communicate with their buddy. They will have a lot of fun playing in shallow waters and practicing their skills.

scuba diver certification

Night diving is a wonderful way to discover new underwater worlds. It is a completely new experience, and night diving is more exciting than regular daytime diving. Although night diving can be a bit scary, night dives are not as difficult as you might think. Your instructor will teach you the correct techniques and help with any difficulties you might face when diving at night.

Underwater naturalist dive

PADI Underwater Naturalist Course aims to equip students with the skills and knowledge to interact with aquatic ecosystems. Students learn about basic organism groupings and identification, how these species live in different habitats and how to practice environmentally-friendly diving. Students also learn about marine conservation and biodiversity.

The PADI Underwater Naturalist course is for divers who have completed their PADI Open Diver certification and would like to explore the marine environment in a more scientific way. The course includes information about coral reefs. marine organisms. food chains. and the relationships between those organisms. The course lasts for one day and involves two open water dives.

Peak performance buoyancy dive

Staying buoyant is one of the most important skills you can learn while diving. Being buoyant is essential as falling into the water can result in decompression illness. Poor buoyancy control can increase your risk of injury from marine life or sharp rocks. PADI Peak Performancebuoyancy Specialty helps divers maintain proper buoyancy and to avoid these issues.

PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy specialty is a class that lasts one week and includes classroom, pool, and optional open water dives. It teaches students about buoyancy control and allows them to glide more easily through the water. PPB's goal is to make diving more fun, efficient, and easier.

diving knife

Maximum depth at 30m/100ft

PADI Advanced Open Water will teach you the skills required to dive to depths of 100 feet. This is dangerous because you could get nitrogen narcosis or impaired cognitive function. This depth is also dangerous for making mistakes that can prove to be fatal. You should not dive any deeper than this depth without training.

The Advanced Open Water course usually takes between 1.5 and 2 days to complete. The instructor will decide the course's duration. You can take the course online or on a local beach. Instructor training is essential before you take the course.


Advanced Open Water Diver Courses