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Famous Divers

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Many famous divers are also well-known for their activism on environmental issues. Bill Nye was an environmentalist and diver who first became interested after his father accidentally dropped him overboard. He is today a leading environmentalist in the world, and the president for the Ocean Futures Society. This non-profit organization promotes marine education. Lloyd Bridges is another important diver. He popularized the sport by creating the TV series Sea Hunt from 1957 to 1962.

Tom Cruise

Tom Cruise is one famous celebrity. He is also certified as a scuba diver. He has performed many underwater stunts over his career, and even took freediving classes for Mission Impossible. In one scene, Tom held his breath for six minutes!

Kate Hudson

In order to be part of the film "Fool's Gold," Kate Hudson had to become certified in scuba diving. Although initially nervous about diving, she soon became a certified diver. She is now a certified diver and she absolutely loves scuba diving.

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James Cameron

Many people are curious about why James Cameron is such a well-known diver. His work as a movie director has made him one of the most prominent people in the globe. Despite his hectic schedule, he still managed to make time for Beneath the Sea in New York. His busy schedule was due his involvement in the James Cameron Awards. However his busy schedule meant he was also closely following the media. In order to avoid any publicity, Beneath the Sea management agreed to keep his presence low key.

Zale Perry

American scuba diver Zale Perry has spent her entire life diving and writing about the sport. Born in Milwaukee she discovered diving as a child. Zale was a skin and scuba diver who pioneered scuba diving in 1950s. Zale was also an aquatic specialist and a pioneer in underwater equipment testing. In 1955, Sports Illustrated published a cover featuring her. Later, she was a scuba instructor. She also began taking photographs under water.

Greg Louganis

Greg Louganis, a well-known diver with a unique background in acting and sport, is Greg Louganis. He started his life as a gymnast, and then became an instructor of diving when he was nine. After graduating from University of California, Irvine he chose to pursue a career as an actor. He took acting classes and began to appear on commercials and plays. He started acting in television series.

Alexandre Despatie

Alexandre Despatie is a Canadian diver who was born on June 8, 1985. He was the first diver to win three World Championships at once, and his feat has earned him a place among the world's best. He is also a broadcaster who anchors the French-language coverage of the Olympic Winter Games.

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Mike Nelson

Mike Nelson is a well-known diver. He was also a regular on "Mike Nelson", a television show that aired exclusively on NBC. He was a freelance diver and an ex-Navy frogman. His skills in diving enabled him save everything from a bike to a nuclear weapon. Lloyd Bridges provided voice-over narration.


Famous Divers